
The European Approach to Money and the Economy

The information brochure!

We have prepared an 8-page brochure that describes the project and explains its ideas and background.

The brochure is available in:

English | German | French | Spanish | Finnish | Czech | Russian

In an earlier text version the brochure is also available as ››› audio book on SoundCloud

Do you need copies of the brochure or other material to spread the idea of the European Credit Initiaitve?

Order them from info@creditinitiative.eu

Internationales Kulturzentrum Achberg e.V.
Panoramastraße 30
88147 Achberg

+49 8380 500

IBAN: DE88 4306 0967 8233 3668 00

Initiativ-Gesellschaft EuroVision
Brantinggasse 61
1100 Vienna

+43 650 941 32 64

IBAN: AT09 6000 0000 9217 9671

Contact persons:
Gerhard Schuster and Daniel Schily

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