#12062020olympia • #communityvoting

Vote now for a profit-independently financed economy!

by | 13. Jul 2020

COMMUNITY VOTING at 12062020 Olympia will run until 26 July 2020!

Our petition for an profit-independently financed economy (“Unternehmensziel SINN, profitunabhängig finanziert”) has received an expert recommendation! We are particularly pleased about this and it gives a great boost!

In the Corona crisis, the economy receives large amounts of state funding. At the same time, let us now create a permanent way of profit-independent financing for companies oriented towards the common good!  Please support our petition! (Register on the platform and vote afterwards) 

Originally, 50,000 people were to meet in the Berlin Olympic Stadium on 12 June 2020 to support a pre-selected number of petitions to the German Bundestag on that day. The financing of the event came together in a large crowdfunding campaign, but unfortunately the event had to be cancelled due to Corona. 

But the project was continued in a different way and has now reached the community voting phase. After three drafts have already been voted, 10 more are now being determined. At the end the selected petitions will be officially addressed to the German Bundestag! Of about 280 proposals, 20 petitions were recommended by the experts as particularly promising. Our draft is one of them.

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